It occurred to me last night that while there are a lot of things I'm doing for my wedding that have very special meaning to me/us, most people probably don't know about them. So here they are, just in case anyone was curious. :)
1. We took our save-the-date photos in Five Points South, a small, historic, kind of hipster area of Birmingham where we had our first date. Behind the tree to the right of my shoulder is the restaurant, Highlands Bar and Grill, where we met.
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This picture really can't be on my blog enough. |
2. On the front page of our wedding programs is a quote by Eric Dillard: "Then we sat on the edge of the world, with our feet dangling, and marveled that we had found each other." I found this quote in a book at Starbucks while getting coffee to warm us up after our *freezing* save-the-date photoshoot. (We were taking pictures on Saturday; on the following Sunday night, Alabama was covered in an ice storm that trapped us in the house for two days. And I was in a knee-length dress.) I absolutely had to have the book, titled 2: How Will You Create Something Beautiful Together?, because of that quote, and it is currently at home amongst the wedding planning.
3. Our wedding favors are mini chocolate-chip cookies (Famous Amos cookies, to be exact). One of the first things Bobby noticed about my profile was my reference to "finding the perfect chocolate chip cookie recipe", and his first email stated that he knew that recipe, and that his mother had it.
4. My 17-year-old sister is doing a reading during the ceremony of selected verses from Psalm 30. This particular chapter of Psalm is incredibly meaningful to me because of the last couple verses:
You turned my wailing into dancing;
you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy,
that my heart may sing your praises and not be silent.
Lord my God, I will praise you forever.
you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy,
that my heart may sing your praises and not be silent.
Lord my God, I will praise you forever.
These verses are so important to me because of the month or so directly preceding Bobby's entrance into my life. A long journey shortly told, I gave my decisions and path for my life over to God after floundering in the dark for quite a while, and He answered that prayer with a tall, dark, and handsome. The first word of the verse 12 is "that", implying that God answered my prayer so that I can sing to Him. I am often overwhelmed with gratitude for not only answered prayers, but also the love that the Creator of the universe has for me, to shower me with such blessings simply because He loves me.
5. For the small superstitious part of me, I do have all my "something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue." My something new is a dress (duh); my something blue is the light blue beads on my shoes.
My something old is an almost-100-year-old cameo ring from my great-grandmother. After she died, someone broke into her house and stole the majority of the vast jewelry collection she had acquired; most of it was not monetarily valuable, like precious stones or metals, but was obviously valuable to us. What we ended up with was a sandwich baggie full of jewelry, and my grandmother gave me the cameo ring. My something borrowed is handkerchief from the same grandmother that she carried to each of her sons' weddings.
6. I hand-made the invitations and addressed them in my scrolling, calligraphy-esque handwriting. Every single one of them. Just so you all know.
7. Our cakes are from Edgar's Bakery, *the* bakery in Birmingham in my humble opinion. The wedding cake will be strawberry, much to the shock of most. On one of Bobby and my first dates, we went to Edgar's, my first time, and got strawberry cupcakes that we ate and I took the rest home to my family. I always associate Edgar's with Bobby now.
8. The night of our wedding rehearsal will be August 12th. On August 11th, 2010, Bobby met my parents for the first time, and that night I told him I loved him; on August 12th, 2010, I met Bobby's parents for the first time, a few days after he had told his brother and sister to be nice to their "future sister-in-law".
9. The father-daughter dance song, "You've Got a Friend" by James Taylor, is my dad and my song that he has sung to me for as long as I can remember.
10. The quote on the back of the wedding program is a favorite of the Best Friend Since Preschool. Here's lookin' and you, kid. :)
And in the end
The love you take
Is equal to
The love you make
-The Beatles
I believe that's all the nit-picky somethings for now. If I remember more, expect updates.
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